Change is on the Horizon
Debra's Testimony
I began my personal journey some 30 years ago to address the symptoms of Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Opening my awareness to my symptoms of Depression and Anxiety, I found myself in a 30 year study and inquiry into modern science and ancient yogic practices designed to transform the mindsets and body patterns of trauma.
Recently, and more profoundly, Earth medicine has provided a pathway to bring my wisdom into my conscious mind. To strengthening my spiritual principles that are designed to reduce my
fear first programming and allow for a flow and ease mentally, physically and emotionally.
This directly relates to me bringing new behaviors and actions to my life like never before.
My own Microdosing For Unity intentions are:
To create space for things inside to rise…
Space for what is…and
Space to open to the oneness with all things..
My large dose journey revealed a depth within me and life
that still remains with me to this day. The magic of the mushrooms
wrung out the old trauma tensions of my nervous system, yielding space for love
to flow and heal me.
​From this place
I gratefully Serve you
in claiming that and more
for yourself!
Lovingly, Debra