from the Heart
The Way of Embodiment: Sacred Somatic Therapy 1:1
Today I had a beautiful session with Debra Hess. She has brought an incredible sense of peace to my soul. I recently had a car accident and we had a session and released some trauma. In that trauma there was this subtle vision of chains. We were able to acknowledge other things in the session the chains remained inside of me. A few weeks passed and I thought I could process this feeling of the chains. Every time I went to look for them they immediately surfaced. I reached out to Deborah and she shared her calendar and I picked a day to meet.
Today's session there are no words that I could describe what happened. Yes, our intention was to uncover the chains and we were successful . Whatever more importantly Deborah was able to call in our Divine Mother who was with us the entire time of this session. As you know the essence of Mother is the embodiment of love. Debra held space for all of it to happen. The act of being guided and opened to this experience brought me tremendous healing. Mother brought me wholeness as I was guided by Native American and his drum leading me to this place.
This session was met with ease and powerfully beautiful there was no fear there was only love for that so Debra holds. She holds the container of Mother's love to be shared with anybody if they're open and willing. I am truly honored and forever changed today, with much gratitude I am so grateful for Debra's Essence and that she can bring Mother in and heal us all.
Dianne Matina
The Way of Embodiment: Sacred Somatic Therapy 1:1
I have been doing trauma work with Debra for over 2 years now and have been feeling positive effects from the sessions. I had a breakthrough at a recent session when I felt physical pain which I believe stemmed from an event that happened many years ago. When the particular memory surfaced, I realized that I hadn’t felt the emotions at the time of the event and wound up carrying the suppressed feelings in my back for most of my life. I believe that to be true because I am now feeling a slight easing of tension in that area. This work is life-altering
Debra is brilliant in this work. She has a natural ability to temper the pace at which we go forward, along with great compassion and respect for her clients’ wishes. I trust her and am very grateful for all that she does and am happily anticipating working together and bringing about further healing and miracles in my life.
She is a true miracle worker.
Kathy H
The Way of Embodiment: Sacred Somatic Therapy 1:1
This is for a (non plant medicine) somatic session with Debra.
As a single mom, I never get time to feel and process. I am in therapy but this is completely different. In therapy I work with my mind but with debra the work is in the body and on deeper unconscious levels. To begin the session Debra brings me to a relaxed but conscious place where I can let the body talk, that’s when the magic happens. Feelings, memories and connections start to emerge and when the mind tries to take over- Debra's expert facilitation skills bring you back to how you are feeling (vs the ego mind thoughts). I have deep transformative experiences every time. What’s most important to me is that Debra is not only deeply experienced- she has trainings and certifications that are valid. But I know her personally and she does the work herself. It’s from that education and personal wisdom that she brings her clients deeply transformative healing.
​The Way of Embodiment: Sacred Somatic Therapy 1:1
I consider Debra a dear friend after working for 14 consecutive sessions with The Way of Embodiment.
She is a woman that has supported me in many ways to surface the depths of my potential in a way that puts me in my body, versus lost in thinking about it and living in imagination land.
She has been instrumental to me releasing the fears, shame, and guilt that were holding me back from opening to my next level of pleasure, leadership, satisfaction, and meaningful relationships.
I cannot understate the depth of value her gifts offer. I'm confident that anyone connecting with Debra will surface a conversation that moves them from living in their head about the life they want to live, to their bodies where our lives are designed to create from.
Matt Hogan
​The Way of Embodiment: Sacred Somatic Therapy 1:1
It is important to me that you know that I have courage because of my unwavering trust in Debra,
and in her love and compassion for me.
Debra is safety to me. Her vulnerability and honesty and integrity in the sharing of her own journey has granted me this safety, knowing she understands in a way that others may not.
Debra you are a light, and you are a lighthouse, and my boat has found you.
Nearly two decades of grieving my boys, a decade of grieving my husband, and five years of therapy, and here I am. I weep for all of this, and I weep in hope for, and belief in, the possibility of peace, wholeness, happiness.
Catherine C
The Way of Embodiment: Sacred Sexuality Integrative Therapy 1:1
A Must Read:
My work with Debra began with “Standing In The Unapologetic you.” A program that completely created the safety and openness to Enter "Divine Sexuality: The Narrow Gate of Love."
Debra created the most safe environment for me to be seen and witnessed in the absolute vulnerability of being naked (physically and energetically), which has been one of my biggest blocks since I was a teenager.
She helped me shift my relationship to my yoni, ( my Vulva ) see myself through new lenses,
and hear the whisper of my yoni's voice which is potent wisdom.
Beyond growing a deeper connection to my yoni, Debra’s work blasted me open to the realms of sexual energy and created new reference points for me to feel safe and open in experiencing that energy with a sexual partner, alongside knowing and asking for what I need.
I have met so many new versions of myself since working with Debra & she has so many more people to reach!
Thank you Debra!
The Way of Embodiment: Sacred Somatic Therapy 1:1
I have had several one-on-one sessions of The Way of Embodiment with Debra as well as here At Home Program. My experiences have been wonderful. Even a bit profound, in that each time the process uncovered something I hadn’t necessarily been looking for. Examples…one time I deeply and joyfully recognized that it is OK (even good) for me to make mistakes. Another time I had a true understanding of my soul, not my body, being the true essence of me.
I experienced lightness and delight!
I highly recommend working with Debra.
The Way of Embodiment: Sound Healing Therapy
I want to thank you, as a devoted student, for the talents you have shown me. Right now, I thought I would be a mess, but I am not. I have anxiety pills but I don't feel the need for any medication. Some natural chemical, some energy is flowing through me giving me absolute peace. I understand what happened. I am confident in my ability to sort through the emotions and handle them. I have the tools to get through this sensitive time that comes to us all. I understand grief, sadness, guilt, regret, the joy of happy memories. All the things you taught me to get through the aftermath of losing Woody I am now armed with for this next big loss.